I'm a big fan of OpenStreetMap, and frequently I find myself trying to explain it to other people. This explanation usualy starts with something like "It's Wikipedia for maps." Sometimes the explanation gets the the point where I'm looking for visual examples, sending people to OpenStreetMap.org is nice, but it can leave some people with the impression that it's just an uglier version of google maps. So I put together some examples of interesting uses of OpenStreetMap.
I decided to start out the new year by cleaning out the code basement, that large directory of code that I may never use again. Keeping it private isn't doing me any good, so I might as well release the source code. Some of this might be usefull to someone, some of it is totally useless.
It seems like almost every IOS app i've worked on at some point ends with a core-data entity with an attribute called "notes", and there is a need for for a view for entering notes about the object. I've developed a component called JCNotePad that is designed to look likes the built in Notes app, to be used for this purpose. It can also be easily modified to look like graph paper. Check it out on GitHub.
I've been working on writing a manual for Avalanche Lab the last couple weeks, it's long over due, but it is finally available. The manual is still a work in progress(Avalanche Lab has a lot of features), but it covers the basics of entering observations.
Avalanche Lab 1.0 is finally here. Lots of great new features:
Now go out and update, then upgrade to Avalanche Lab for a bunch of great features, and to show that you support Avalanche Lab and want to see it continue to be developed.
A new version of Avalanche Lab, 0.93, is now available on the App Store. This release is mostly bug fixes, but also has a few new features.
New features include:
Fixed a bug that could occasionally cause data to be lost.
Fixed several bugs improving that could cause crashes on older devices.
A new version of Snow Tell is now available. This update is a bug fix. It works again.
Snow Tell, one of our apps is currently having problems due to a change in data format from the National Weather Service. A new version has been submitted to Apple and will be available as an update soon.